Sunday, March 18, 2012

MAC Week 3: Comments to Jason's Leadership Post

Jason's original post...

leadership week 3

I will attempt to publish in both "The Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education" and "Journal of Educational Computing Research". Both offer me the opportunity to justify using my work in their publications.

My path as a digital educator is still being charted, so I value the interdisciplinary and forward looking missions of both "The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education" and "Journal of Educational Computing Research". I can see the high value to my future that being recognized by and associated with these entities.

"That sounds marvelous Jason!"
My response to Jason's post...
You are a great digital wizard. I know your students enjoy your instruction and your class. I think your CBR project would fit right in with both of these journals. You are right, they are forward thinking and technology progressive journals. I look forward to reading your published work!

Keep smiling!

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