I have learned so much using the iMovie11 tutorials through
lynda.com. During this last part of training I have learned how to edit my iMovies. I can add several sound effects and music to my projects. Also, I can control the volume levels of each sound effect or music entered into the project. To help with a smooth beginning and ending to the music I controlled the fade in and fade out slides on the frequency bars. "What about voices on the video or background noise?" you ask. Well, all of that can be controlled too. I added transitions between each slide and used the precision editor to create smooth transitions between some slides. I added text to different slides and used the Ken Burns cropping on still photos. What is great about adding the text is you can use the fonts on your computer by clicking system fonts. Although I did not use it on the following video, I am looking forward to trying the green and blue screen applications and the video in video or picture in video. Wow, there is so much to learn. Enjoy my video.
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